Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pushing my Own Limits

Who knew that when I first started that getting sponsors and donations would be the hardest past of this whole thing. I definitely didn't. Writing letters, making phone calls, and visiting stores has taken up a large portion of my weekend. All these things I can honestly say are not at the top of my favorite things to do. Writing letters is not bad, the only hard part is who to address them to. Phone calls make me so nervous, I end up talking with a stutter or talk way to fast and don't make any sense. Personal appearances are also very nerve wrecking, I don't know what to say and I feel super awkward, I must look pretty awkward too. I've been canvasing Langley and Surrey in the hopes of getting prizes donated for the raffle I will be having at my pub night in January. I guess it's all this letter writing, phone calling, and store visiting is for a good cause and I did sign up for this trip to test my limits. I thought it would test my physically but it has definitely tested my social and communication skills. Pushing the boundaries, finding just how much I am capable of, that's what this trip is going to do for me. Everyday I get more and more excited, June can't come fast enough. Hopefully, in January when I start training with the Peak Center for Human Performance in Burnaby it will feel like cake walk compared to this weekend, at least with stress and nervousness. Physically I know I'm going to get my butt kicked by the training program there. All for good reason though, I'd like to enjoy my time in Europe rather than suffer in pain and fatigue due to all the riding.

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