Thursday, June 16, 2011

The joys of time

Tuesday morning i was up at 8:00 am and flew out of Seattle at 1:40 pm. Napped on the plane fo maybe 90 minutes and landed in Amsterdam at 8:30 am local time or just after midnight in Vancouver. Once I got to my hotel I napped for 2 hours and then I was off to find a place to watch the hockey game at 2am. Returned to the hotel at 5:30 am and went straight to bed. I was suppose to get up at 7:30 am to go into town but I couldn't get out of my bed. I gotnleft begin and went back to sleep. I woke up at 5:00 pm, went for a 90 minute bike ride, picked up dimmer returned to the hotel. It's not almost 11 pm so hopefully if I got bed soon I can get my sleep cycle back on track.

We are planning on seeing some tourist attractions tomorrow. I did get my first taste of Amsterdam last night/rrally early this morning. The architecture, the canals and the people are so amazing. There is a bicycle parking Lot just outside the central sstation that is three stories high. The buildigs are so old and slanted. The canals are everywhere.

I saw my first Dutch windmill and tomorow I plan on finding the flower market.

I wanted to attach some pictures but no can do as I am writng this on my
iPod which explains the poor spelling. Hopefully everything still makes sense.

Good night from holland,


1 comment:

  1. Nicole,

    I hope you have an awesome time! Be safe!!

    - Linda M
