Monday, January 17, 2011

The First Ride

I finally got to take my sweet new ride out for a spin. It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun was trying to peak through the clouds and there was not a drop of rain.

I attached the cleats to my new shoes and spent a good five minutes at the beginning of my ride trying to clip in and out of my pedals. I didn't want to be stuck clipped in at an intersection or heaven forbid I need to stop suddenly and not be able to unclip to put my foot down, that would be embarrassing, lying on the side of the ride feet stuck to the bike. I must admit it is an odd sensation to be stuck to your pedal and not be able to put your foot on the ground in a split second. Once I was somewhat comfortable to the pedals, I ventured out of the safety of my building complex and hit the open road. I live on a mountain the start of my trip was downhill. That bike picks up speed quite fast and the brakes, thankfully, work very well. I cruised down Burnaby Mountain Parkway and then down Duthie to get onto Francis which is a designated bike street. Again, most of it is sloped down. I headed towards my work so I could figure out how early I would have to leave in the morning to get to work on time. It will take me just under 45 minutes, could easily be faster if I pushed the pace. The ride home is a different story. When one way is downhill, of course the return trip must be uphill. This is where I noticed the biggest difference between my touring bike and my mountain bike.  The low gears on my bike AKA "granny" gears are amazing.

I didn't ride very long or very far. No where near the 100km that I will be riding everyday in Europe but it is a start. The saddle will take some getting used to, I am debating on a leather saddle or gel. My fitness definitely needs work and I will have to add some weighted packs to my bike to simulate all the gear I will have to carry with me. I can officially say my road training has begun! Being on the road is way more fun than being stuck inside on a stationary bike.

Next thing on the training schedule: tackle the Burnaby Mountain without the help of my UPass.

Better get on with my night, big night tomorrow:

Dublin Crossing Pub Fundraiser
Fraser Hwy and 188 Street
6PM, Food Canucks Game, Raffle

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