Sunday, May 29, 2011

My First Tire Change

Rating: 6 out of 10

With the supervision of my dad, I attempted to change my tire this evening, as I was too exhausted to actually ride but I felt my bike was in dire need of attention. Today, was my first attempt after watching Rob from Caps South Shore do it. I was able to get it off no problem, the putting it back on was the more difficult part.

My dad was on hand to make sure I didn't screw anything up and to make sure I did everything in the right order. The hardest part was the last couple of steps which were making sure the beading was even (the tire was centered all the way around the rim) and to fully inflate the tire. My little hand pump is going to force me to build up my guns to get enough pressure into my tires. Hopefully, I won't be fixing a flat too often on the road because 90% of the time it takes me to do so well be spent pumping up my tires.

I didn't time myself but I feel it took me way longer than it should have. Oh well, it was just my first attempt, things will only get easier.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Minor Details

So much can be accomplished if you just put your mind to it. This past weekend a lot of biking and bike maintenance ideas were going through my mind, and to no surprise my mind wanders and then starts thinking about what I still need to buy to pack and then I start thinking about how awesome my pictures are going to be and how I'll be carrying 20Gb of memory space and then in one of the many bike stores I was in this weekend, a helmet cam caught my attention. Yowza those things are expensive. I've already spend way more money on this trip than I originally planned on, but oh well, it's kind of a once in a lifetime trip, so I have been able to justify every cent I have spent so far. Anyways back to this helmet cam, it is not nearly as fancy nor does it look as good as ones you can buy in the but I believe it will serve it purpose and it cost me next to nothing. Simple yet effective. I should probably have taken off the sticker that is still on my camera but oh well. 

So for the next 21 days, I will spend my free time training and tying up all the lose ends. I still need to lock down to more nights of accomadations, one in the Netherlands and one in Germany. I need to buy rain gear and I need to phone my airline to see if there is a cheaper way to ship my bike to Europe. Just a few minor details to take care of. As I get closer to departure the excitement raises and the nervousness is pushed aside.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Packing List

I have been finishing off the shopping for my trip. I have a few small things left to pick up like rain pants, shoe covers, buy some euros, and get a power adapter. I still have a few decisions to make on amount of extra clothing and footwear I want to take/have room for. The amount of cash I want to carry with me. So many minor details that I need to take care of in the next few weeks. June is coming faster and faster.

I have picked up in training and now that I have bought new panniers I will begin to add weight to my training sessions. I also now have a new training buddy which will make my training more enjoyable.

I have picked up a few lonely planet books from the library and will begin reading them over the next couple of days to see what kinds of things I want to see in Amsterdam and Budapest, and also what types of things I should expect to see while Europe.

Last weekend, I was at Metrotown for a the ride-a-thon supporting the Pacific Coast Riders that leave in two weeks on their trip. I rode for maybe two hours on bikes that were too big where I could barely reach the pedal when it was at its lowest point. Highlight of the day was when an older gentlemen was flirting with one of the guy riders...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Search for Accomadations and the Language Barrier

Today, I started looking for accommodations for the tour. I am responsible for the first few days while were are in the Netherlands and the first day of Germany. The internet of course was my first resource and the contacts of the places the riders stayed at last year. I have sent out some emails and now I have to wait for what hopefully will be a positive response. While on my search of these cities, I have been looking for cool things to see/do in each one. Some have links to things that are not in English. This makes me sad yet happy. Sad that I don't understand a darn thing on the page, but  happy that hopefully I'll pick up some new languages or at least a few words while on this trip.

So if you know any good places 25 riders can stay for free in the Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, or Hungry, let me know. Or if you know of any cool things to do or see also let me know and I'll try and check them out while I am there.