Monday, February 21, 2011

Road Blocks and Detours

Last week was "Reading Break", the university equivalent of high school spring break. This is the first year SFU has had such a break. I am still on the fence about how I feel about this entire week off, because let's be honest, how many students actually spend their week catching up on readings and assignments. Plus, it just extends the semester a week longer shortening the break between semesters. So to no surprise I didn't actually get a chance to hit the books until the end of the week. Of course, I had reading and studying to catch up on but the lack of scheduled class gives you a false sense of freedom to do things out of the regular schedule.

For instance, on Monday after I got off work I headed home to get a haircut. Not just a trim, I chopped off enough hair to meet the 12 inch requirement to donate my hair to Angel Hair for Kids so a wig could be made for children who have lost their hair due to medical conditions or treatment. I am now sporting a very chilling, low maintenance buzz cut. Toques have become a very important part of my wardrobe, who knew how much hair insulated you noggin. My friend Caitlin at work is also sporting the buzz cut and she is the reason I got involved with this organization.

On Tuesday I headed up to Whistler Village post 2010 Winter Olympics for the day to take in the sights and do a little shopping.My favorite part of the day by far would have to be the delicious whale tale I consumed. Mmmm deep fried cinnamon sugary goodness with a little bit of lemon.

As you can see the week for me was not designed to get a lot off school work done. Just because class was not in session, did not mean my work schedule changed either. The early mornings to make sure I caught the bus on time continued and were one off my least favorite parts of the week.

With all my adventures of the week and a few sleepless nights, this left little time to get my training in. I made it to soccer practice Wednesday night, but the 4 days I should have spent on the bike got reduced to 2. I made sure when I did get on the bike, the duration of the sessions were long enough to improve my endurance which will be key when I get to Europe and need to travel upwards of 80 km a day. At least now with my new fluid trainer I can put in hours on the bike without even leaving my apartment and it is quiet enough that I can watch TV while riding. Makes the hour ride a little less boring while avoiding the treacherous wintery conditions a top Burnaby Mountain.

I did get the chance to do a little bike maintenance. I cleaned, adjusted and lubed my chain. It now runs smoothly and there is no more clicking noise. 

As always there are little road blocks in detours in life, but it is all about how you adjust and react to them. Sometimes a set schedule (ie training schedule) is more of a guideline that should be followed as closely as possible but there is always room for flexibility.

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