Saturday, May 12, 2012

Belgium to Portugal: a quick glimpse

Antwerp: after a day of sight seeing we returned to the grocery store beside our place of residence to pick up some drinks and food for dinner. A very disappointing selection left us with nothing, so we hit the street in search of some good grub. Didn't get very far, we, actually I was starving, Kelli was still full from lunch, we ended up in the bar/cafe just across the street. We sat down and looked at the menu, not in English, great. Waitress came over to take our drinks order, Le Choffre. Then we spent another 5 muntjac trying to decipher the menu. Eventually another server came over and spoke English. He recommended the soup of the day and the plate of the day. I as starving so I just went with that. The soup was a homemade veggie soup. Delicious and of course I dipped bread in it. The dish was meatballs and mashed potatoes covered in a tomato sauce. Best meatballs I have ever had. The server came back to check on us and to make sure we were enjoying our balls. He continued telling us how good his balls were. Later on another customer ordered the meatballs, and he shouted across the bar to us to say that another customer ordered his balls. Brussels: delicious chocolate, enough said. Plus some ridiculous statue of a little boy peeing that gets put into outrageous costumes Aka mannequin pis, look it up. Memorable moment: watching Kelli decipher the menu and ending up ordering something with the word American in it and it turning out to be beef tartar, glad you're not a picky eater. :)  Paris: Eiffel tower, amazing. Although, at times I was so amazed I kept thinking it was fake. Spent the first night sitting in park in front of it waiting for it to light up. Overheard people say it was going to sparkle and we diet know what that meant we just thought lights would turn on and it would glow. At 10pm, it sparkled. Faro: Good lunch conversation about dessert. Post lunch, sailing tour. Kelli steered and did all the work while I lounged and took pictures. Learned sailing terms and how to tie knots. Don't worry we didn't see any pirates while we were out at sea. Seafood feast post-sailing. Lisbon: castles well actual I guess it was in Sintra. I wish I lived in a castle. Then everyone would be jealous of me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm already jealous! Sounds like you guys are having an amazing time! Can't wait to see the photos :)
