Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spain to Santorini

In Spain, only managed to stop in two cities. Madrid being the first. When we arrived in the main square out of the metro station we were met by a crowd of people, obviously something big was happening. I spotted the Real Madrid bus and players in suits were unloading. They ended up on a balcony of some government building with their League Championship trophy and thanked the citizens of Madrid for their support. I got to see Christiano Ronaldo firsthand, he was a little camera shy. Didn't get to see any bull fights as they only happen on Sundays, oh well, I guess that will have to wait until another trip to Madrid happens.

Barcelona, was so beautiful. Boy do the Spanish like lighting things with multiple colors. One night we ended up sitting in front of a musical fountain that changed colors and spray pattern... (that makes more sense in my head than it does written). The fountain started playing some classical music, but then it started playing the classics like BSB, Whitney Houston, MJ and so on. It was so magical. Hotel reception guys was lets say very friendly and leave it at that, very helpful but maybe too friendly.

Rome: I didn't have any expectations for Rome but I was very impressed. The Trevi Fountain is so amazing. As was the Coliseum, so enormous and was rebuilt so many times. I participated in what the people were calling a flash mob, but it wasn't really. Some church group was handing out ballons and pieces of paper, you were suppose to write a message on the paper, tie it to the balloon, and then everyone was to release these helium filled balloons at the same time. Felt like such a kid that day as I held my ice cream cone in one hand and a balloon in the other.

Athens: So the Greek are fairly lazy. We didn't arrive until 2:30pm and all the atttractions close at 3 pm so we just did a tour of the outside of all the attractions. Still pretty cool. Ended the day with cheap gyros and beer.

Santorini: Greek island, enough said.

Later gator,


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Belgium to Portugal: a quick glimpse

Antwerp: after a day of sight seeing we returned to the grocery store beside our place of residence to pick up some drinks and food for dinner. A very disappointing selection left us with nothing, so we hit the street in search of some good grub. Didn't get very far, we, actually I was starving, Kelli was still full from lunch, we ended up in the bar/cafe just across the street. We sat down and looked at the menu, not in English, great. Waitress came over to take our drinks order, Le Choffre. Then we spent another 5 muntjac trying to decipher the menu. Eventually another server came over and spoke English. He recommended the soup of the day and the plate of the day. I as starving so I just went with that. The soup was a homemade veggie soup. Delicious and of course I dipped bread in it. The dish was meatballs and mashed potatoes covered in a tomato sauce. Best meatballs I have ever had. The server came back to check on us and to make sure we were enjoying our balls. He continued telling us how good his balls were. Later on another customer ordered the meatballs, and he shouted across the bar to us to say that another customer ordered his balls. Brussels: delicious chocolate, enough said. Plus some ridiculous statue of a little boy peeing that gets put into outrageous costumes Aka mannequin pis, look it up. Memorable moment: watching Kelli decipher the menu and ending up ordering something with the word American in it and it turning out to be beef tartar, glad you're not a picky eater. :)  Paris: Eiffel tower, amazing. Although, at times I was so amazed I kept thinking it was fake. Spent the first night sitting in park in front of it waiting for it to light up. Overheard people say it was going to sparkle and we diet know what that meant we just thought lights would turn on and it would glow. At 10pm, it sparkled. Faro: Good lunch conversation about dessert. Post lunch, sailing tour. Kelli steered and did all the work while I lounged and took pictures. Learned sailing terms and how to tie knots. Don't worry we didn't see any pirates while we were out at sea. Seafood feast post-sailing. Lisbon: castles well actual I guess it was in Sintra. I wish I lived in a castle. Then everyone would be jealous of me.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

have you met hank

Upon arrival at Amsterdam central station we went left out of the station past the floating chinese restaurant over the pedestrian bridge, past memo and onto the second dock to our hotel (boat hotel). This is where we met Hank. Due to the fact that Kelli talks really fast Hank misunderstood her name until he saw it on the check in list. He thought she said what the equivalent of coconut in Dutch. He then continued to explain how some Dutch words were similar to English words. He told us our room was clean and waiting for us and then asked if it was our first time in amsterdam. He showed us a map of the city. Telling us where we were on the map and the immediately began circling this for us to see. The first thing he highlighted were the shops, I am assume because we are girls and most girls travel to go shopping but as I am currently carrying everything on my back I have yet to shop. Don't worry I'll have a few new pairs of shoes before i fly home. Next he circled a few major squares and museums like the van gogh museum and the Anne frank house. Then he pointed to the red light district and said it was safe for us to go there at night. Then he told us it was okay to go into coffeeshops but to buy inside not outside. Then he asked us if we knew about space cakes. He told us to only have one even though we would want more because it takes about 45 minutes for things to happen. He said on guest had multiple ended up sleeping for 16 hours and missing his flight. That would not be me. Hank, what a guy. Next stop: Belgium Nicole