Saturday, July 23, 2011

last day of riding

After a night of being caught in a thunder and lightning storm and staying in a zimmer frei, I started my last day of riding to Budapest, and of course it was raining. Rode for 40 km and stopped for brunch at a hotel restaurant that was serving a buffet. It was closing in 15 minutes so the group of us ravenously ate our first plate and quickly went back for seconds. Coffee, tea, eggs, cheese, deli meat, buns, brownies, and fruit. So delicous! After eating we saw another pod ride by so I sprinted out the door barefoot and chased them down. Turns out they spent the night in a bus stop. Then we waited around for our support driver to drop off another rider.

Once we finally hit the road again it was blue skies, perfect conditions for riding.

Hit budapest in the afternoon, got the address to the accomadation andthwn stopped at the blue tomato for food and a celebratory brewski. The place was recommended by a local who also poiinted us in the right direction of our accom as we were on the wrong streeet.

Budapest, what a beautiful city, byfsr my favorite place on this tour. So glad I have a few extra days here beote flying home.

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