Monday, April 25, 2011

The End of Exams

Finally, I have finished my exams. I am currently moving out of my apartment and moving back to my parents as my lease is up at the end of the month. As of right now I am sleeping on a foam mattress and the tv is sitting on the floor. The only part of my apartment that is still intact is the kitchen. Food is the most important, so my ability to eat has been left alone. Sleeping and entertainment are secondary to eating.

So with the stress of exams and moving out of the way, I can begin to focus on the planning and training for my trip.

And it will start with a big shopping trip to MEC tomorrow. I am hoping to stick to my shopping list but every time I end up there I always spend way more money than I plan.

The ride preparations are about to ramp up mentally and physically.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My First Agent Training Ride

On Sunday I participated in my first agent training ride. We met up at Bikes on the Drive at 1l am. From there wewe crossed the Second Narrows Bridge and headed to Deep Cove. It took us about an hour to get there. That bridge is very scary thing to cross. First the pathway is very narrow and makes you have tunnel vision. Plus it gets really windy on the bridge deck, the cars are really close, and the cars go really fast. The path/sidewalk is really bumpy which did not create the greatest feeling in my shoulder.

The bridge climb really tested my mental strength. I made it over the bridge, but it took a lot of me talking to myself to keep pedaling. Oh, did my legs burn when I reached the apex of the bridge. The rest of the way to Deep Cove was rolling hills but they were manageable.

Once we reached Deep Cove we stopped for a little break. We indulged in some delicious donuts from Honeys and a little "grape juice". I must admit that was the most delicious greasiest donut I have ever had.

After our break we headed back to over the bridge and then went on our separate ways.

Riding in group with a specific destination is way better than riding on my trainer in my apartment. The conversation, the company and scenery were magnificent. This ride had definitely increased my excitement for Europe about a bjillion times. I need to put in more training hours, but my legs were not sore the next day but I did feel extremely tired, like I wanted to lie in bed all day but of course the next day I was up at 5:40 to get to work. And life goes on...