Saturday, April 28, 2012

London bridge is not falling down

9 hour flight plus hour change in time zone equals Nicole not sleeping for two days and that's why coffee was invented. Saw London bridge today and it must have fallen down too many times in the past because it is not very spectacular. London tower on the other hand is magnificent. London is a good place to start this trip because the weather is similar to home (Aka rainy) and everyone specks English. Went on a tour yesterday and met 3 Americans and an Aussie. Spent the rest of the day touring with them. Well half time is over so I'm back to watching the footbal game.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Too much to do too little time

Back by popular demand (actually just one person), I've decided to blog again or at least attempt while I travel through Europe bike-less (unless it has a motor) this time.

I leave tomorrow and have just started packing. I'd say that's last minute but really my flight is not until 5pm tomorrow so last minute would be if I was packing tomorrow morning.

Gone April 23 - June 11 to visit 8 countries... more details to be decided.

Start out the trip by flying into London where I will catch the Tottenham Spurs vs Blackburn soccer game and Les Miserables as well as all the touristy stuff.

Feels like I am missing something, but oh well, that's what credit cards are for.